Define Tech Company – Definition Series

Define Tech Company

Define tech company: A tech company is a business that primarily develops, manufactures, or provides products and services related to technology, such as software or hardware.     Image by <a href=”″>Albrecht Fietz</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabay</a>


Define Tech Demo – Definition Series

define tech demo

Define tech demo: A tech demo is a demonstration of new technology or software, showcasing its features and capabilities, often used in presentations or marketing.   Image from


Define Tech Unicorn – Definition Series

define tech unicorn

Define Tech Unicorn: A tech unicorn is a privately held tech startup company valued at over $1 billion. Some examples include the well known companies such as Facebook, Uber, Google but also lesser known companies such as Atlassian, Zoom etc. Image by Vanesa from Pixabay


Define Tech Boom – Definition Series

define tech boom

Define tech boom: A tech boom refers to a period of rapid growth and innovation in the technology industry, often leading to increased investment and job creation. It’s also fair to say that after every tech bust a new tech boom may arise.   Image by Reto Scheiwiller from Pixabay


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