Top 7 CRM Tools – The good, the bad and the ugly

When choosing a CRM tool, it is important to consider the specific needs of your business. Some factors to consider include the size of your business, the industry you are in, and the features that are important to you.


Top 10 Tools for Software Developers

top 10 tools for software developers - Photo by Markus Spiske:

Software Development is the work software developers do to build software. This requries a variety of techniques, programming languages and tools to build software on – which as you guessed it software too. These tools into each stage of the software development lifecycle – always beginning with the software development tool (programming the software) first… Continue reading Top 10 Tools for Software Developers


SharePoint Forms

SharePoint Forms is a form’s tool that’s in SharePoint Online. Are you looking to create a SharePoint form? Theres a few different ways of doing it as well as depending on use case. Please comment below which and how type of Sharepoint Form you want to create and I will make a video tutorial on… Continue reading SharePoint Forms


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